Cookies Policy


This Cookies Policy is an integral part of the Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of the website, Vadener Soluciones S.L. (hereinafter, the ‘Website’ or the ‘Web Page’). Accessing and browsing the Website, or the use of its services, implies acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in the Conditions of Use as well as in the Privacy Policy and, within it, in the Cookies Policy.

In order to facilitate your browsing of the Website, the owner of the same, with registered address at C/ San Agustín, 3, Bajo, 38350 Tacoronte, hereby informs you that it uses cookies or Data Recovery Storage Devices (DARD) or other files with similar functionality (hereinafter, ‘cookies’). In this regard, and with the aim of guaranteeing the user all the necessary information for correct browsing, we provide the user with the following information on what cookies are, what types of cookies exist on our website and how they can be configured or disabled.

What are Cookies

Today, most websites, regardless of the service they provide, use cookies, i.e. they store a minimum of information on the usage or the

navigation carried out by the user within the Web Page.

A cookie can be defined as a small, widely-used text file or device that is downloaded to the user's terminal equipment when browsing the Internet.

the web pages for the purpose of storing data that may be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for its installation in order to facilitate your navigation and the users experience. 

As set out in Recital 30 of the GDPR, natural persons may be associated with online identifiers provided by their devices, applications, tools and protocols, such as internet protocol addresses, session identifiers in the form of cookies or other identifiers for similar purposes. This may leave traces which, in particular, when combined with unique identifiers and other data received by servers, may be used to profile and identify individuals.

For this reason, the owner of the website has a cookie policy that is consistent with the applicable regulations.

In general, when the installation and/or use of cookies entails the processing of personal data, whether they are own or third-party, session or persistent cookies, the data controller shall provide the necessary information in this area and shall obtain the user's prior informed consent to install and/or use them, except in the case of having to install strictly necessary cookies. Only those cookies that exclusively allow communication between the user's computer and the network and, strictly speaking, those used to provide a service requested by the user are exempt from such consent. For example, the so-called ‘technical cookies’ (e.g., those necessary for browsing the platform or application itself); ‘personalisation or configuration cookies’ (e.g., those that allow the page to recognise the user's language, etc.); and ‘security cookies’ (e.g., to detect erroneous and repeated attempts to connect to a site) would be exempted.

Types, purpose and operation of cookies.


Own cookies

They are those that are sent to your computer from the computer or servers of the owner of the website and from which we provide the service you request.

Third party cookies

They are those that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity or partner. For example, those used by social networks, or by external content such as Google.


Session cookies

These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website, so none of them remain registered on the hard drive of your computer. The information obtained through these cookies is used to analyse web traffic patterns. In the long run, this allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content and facilitate its use.

Persistent cookies

They are stored on your hard drive and our website reads them every time you visit our site. A permanent website has a specific expiry date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We generally use these cookies to facilitate shopping and registration services.


Technical cookies

These are necessary for browsing and the proper functioning of our website. They allow, for example, to control traffic and data communication, access restricted areas, carry out the purchase process of an order, use security elements, store content in order to broadcast videos or share content through social networks.

Personalisation cookies

These are those that allow you to access the service with predefined characteristics according to a series of criteria, such as language, the type of browser through which you access the service, etc.

Analytics cookies

They are those that allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the services provided. To do this, your browsing on our website is analysed in order to improve the range of products and services we offer.

Advertising Cookies

These are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that may be included on our website.

Behavioural advertising cookies

These cookies store information on user behaviour obtained through continuous observation. Thanks to them, we can learn about your internet browsing habits and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

Cookies used on the website

The identification of who uses the cookies on this website, as well as the details of the cookies, are set out below:

How to disable cookies in the most commonly used browsers.

They can be blocked or disabled using the configuration tools of your browser. Your browser allows you to refuse the installation of all cookies, or to choose to refuse only some of them.

We indicate the links to the tools of the main browsers, where you can find out how to disable cookies.

Disabling or deleting cookies belonging to Google Analytics

If you accept the use of cookies belonging to Google Analytics, you can subsequently uninstall them by configuring your browser settings as indicated above or by installing the Google Analytics opt-out add-on:

Please note that if you delete your personalisation cookies you will need to update your preferences each time you log in with us or if you use a different device, computer or browser profile you will need to tell us your preferences again.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Explorer

What happens if you disable cookies

If you reject cookies you may continue to use our website, but some of the services and/or links may no longer work, you may not be able to start or maintain an interactive session with the website services, and we may not be able to obtain valuable information from you to provide you with content that is relevant to your interests and to allow you to easily and quickly access the information you are interested in.

The owner of the website assumes no responsibility for legal or technical problems caused by the non-compliance by any user of the recommendations included. This communication is made for the knowledge and use of the users, therefore, it should not be used for any other purpose.

We also advise you that we cannot be held responsible for the content and veracity of the privacy policies of third parties included in this cookies policy.

Changes to the cookies policy

This cookie policy is version 2.0, and is in force from 1 OCTOBER 2020, and based on this, the owner of the website may modify this cookie policy, either by incorporating new cookies due to the need for new content that can be offered, or according to legislative or regulatory requirements, which make it necessary to change it, so users are advised to visit it periodically. Likewise, the Website may inform users personally and in advance of the changes planned in this policy, before they come into force, provided that this is technically and reasonably possible.

Exercising Your Cookie Rights

You can learn about and exercise your rights regarding the protection of personal data by accessing the Privacy Policy of this website.

If you have any questions about this cookie policy, you can contact us at